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3D Space shooter is a private UE4 project which I started working on it since last November.


All of the art resources are free online

With basic FPS game functions implemented, I decided to have some self-design ideas inside the game.

You can check the details and any updates from me in the upper right link "Some Details."

Below is the Test play video.

Git-hub link










Parallel Lines

Kaluo Engine




Building a game engine from zero.

Starting with the tutorial from The Cherno (yes, the famous Hazel engine)

Still Catching up on the tutorial, Daily Updates is "Some Details of KaluoEngine."

Below is the Test play video.

Git-hub Repo





Major Self-Design Functions 3.2.2021

Testing AI patrolling, reloading and following.
Healing Box and Grenade Explosion
Options Menu settings
Win/Lost UI

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